National Directory of Breast Professionals

Contact Name: Livia Vargas
Credentials: RN, BSN, OCN, CN-BN
Pomona, CA 91767
Facility Name: Robert & Beverly Lewis Family Cancer Care Center
Contact Name: Kayla Vargo
Credentials: RT(R)(M), BHCN
Joiliet, IL 60435
Facility Name: Future Diagnostics Group
Contact Name: Charlotte Vasile
Credentials: RT(R)(M), BHCN
Contact Name: Veronica Vasquez
Credentials: MHA, CN-BA
Red Bank, NJ 07701
Facility Name: Premier Surgical Network
Contact Name: Annabelle Veerapaneni
Credentials: MD, CGRA
Facility Name: Northwestern Medicine/Northwestern Medical Group
Contact Name: Laura Veith
Credentials: RT(R)(M)(BD)(ARRT), CN-BI
Ocala, FL 34471
Facility Name: Ocala Imaging Center
Contact Name: Roma Venkatesan
Credentials: APN, FNP-C, CGRA
Palatine, IL 60067
Facility Name: St. Alexius Medical Center
Contact Name: Holly Verwey
Credentials: RT(R)(M), ARRT, CN-BI
Hillsboro, OR 97123
Facility Name: OHSU Hillsboro Medical Center
Contact Name: Joleen Vetter
Credentials: RT(R)(M), CMA, CN-BI
Novi, MI 48374
Facility Name: Providence Park Hosptial
Contact Name: Cynthia Vickerman
Credentials: RN, CN-BN
Madison, WI 53715
Facility Name: SSM Health Dean Medical Group
Contact Name: Arlanna Victorian
Credentials: ARRT(R)(M), CN-BI
Facility Name: Envision Dallas
Contact Name: Laura Villanueva
Credentials: RT(R)(M), CN-BI
Reston, VA 20191
Facility Name: American College of Radiology
Contact Name: Mia Vincent
Credentials: RN, CN-BN, CCTC
Facility Name: University of Florida Jacksonville Physicians
Contact Name: Christy Vinson
Credentials: RT(R)(M)(ARRT), BHCN
Goldsboro, NC 27530
Contact Name: Katie Viola
Credentials: BSN, RN, CGRA
Chattanooga, TN 37421
Facility Name: Erlanger
Contact Name: Sydney Visconti
Credentials: CMA, CN-BA
New Lennox, IL 60451
Facility Name: UI Health
Contact Name: Elizabeth Vita
Credentials: RT(R)(M), BHCN
Greenville, SC 29615
Facility Name: Pearlie Harris Center for Breast Health
Contact Name: Ines Vittoria
Credentials: LPN, CN-BC
Denville, NJ 07834
Facility Name: Saint Clare's Health
Contact Name: Mari Vizcarra
Credentials: RT
Tampa, Fl 33556
Facility Name: Adventhealth
Contact Name: Danielle Volpe
Credentials: NP-C
Montclair, NJ 07042
Facility Name: Montclair Breast Center
Contact Name: Beth Wahl
Credentials: RN, BSN, CN-BN
Cincinnati, OH 45245
Facility Name: Mercy Health
Contact Name: Heather Wainscott
Credentials: BSN, RN, BHCN
Safety Harbor, FL 34695
Facility Name: BayCare Health System
Contact Name: Allison Walker
Credentials: APRN, AG-ACNPBC, CGRA
Nashville, TN 37204
Facility Name: Vanderbilt University Medical Center
Contact Name: Amy Walker
Credentials: BART ARRT (R) (M), MSRT, CN-BI
Contact Name: Lindsey Walker
Credentials: RT(R)(M), CN-BI
Hampton, VA 23667
Facility Name: Hampton VA Medical Center 590/114