National Directory of Breast Professionals

Contact Name: Denise Balicki
Credentials: RT(R)(M), BHCN
Pueblo, CO 81004
Facility Name: St. Mary Corwin Breast Center of Excellence
Contact Name: Sarah Banks
Credentials: RN
Washington DC, District of Columbia 20422
Facility Name: Veterans Affairs Medical Center
Contact Name: Yona Barash
Credentials: MD, JD.
Roseville, CA 95661
Facility Name: Yona Barash, MD, JD. Surgical Oncology
Contact Name: Kelly Barbosa
Credentials: RN, BHCN
Florham Park, NJ 07932
Facility Name: Summit Health
Contact Name: Jill Barbour
Credentials: WHNP-BC, MSN, MA, CGRA
Contact Name: Jodi Barkema
Credentials: RT(R)(M), BHCN
Ames, IA 50010
Facility Name: McFarland Clinic
Contact Name: Danielle Barker
Credentials: BSN, RN, BHCN
Fort Wayne, IN 46845
Facility Name: Parkview Cancer Institute
Contact Name: Denise Barker
Credentials: ARRT, ASRT, BHCN
Lebanon, IN 46052
Facility Name: Witham Health Services
Contact Name: Jennifer Barngrover
Credentials: RN, BSN, OCN, CN-BN
Pittsburg, KS 66762
Facility Name: Freeman Cancer Institute- Pittsburg
Contact Name: Claudia Bartos
Credentials: RN, BHCN
Houston, TX 77030
Facility Name: Houston Methodist Hospital
Contact Name: Amie Bates
Credentials: MS, PA-C
Portland, OR 97210
Facility Name: Legacy High-Risk and Genetic Services
Contact Name: Louise Batiste
Credentials: MHA, GHC, BSHA, CN-BA
Lafayette, LA 70503
Facility Name: Oschner
Contact Name: Lauren Beauchamp
Credentials: BS, RT(R)(M)(CT)(BD), BHCN
Contact Name: Laura Beaupre
Credentials: RN, OCN, CN-BN
Bethelhem, PA 18017
Facility Name: Lehigh Valley Health Network
Contact Name: Widlyn Beauvais
Credentials: BSN, RN, BHCN
Livingston, NJ 07039
Facility Name: RWJBH
Contact Name: Kellie Bedenbaugh
Credentials: BSRT(R)(M), RDMS(B), BHCN
Evans, Georgia 30809
Facility Name: Volpara Health
Contact Name: Cynthia Beesley
Credentials: RT(R)CT)(M), CN-BI
Mattoon, IL 61938
Facility Name: Sarah Bush Lincoln HealthCenter
Contact Name: Lana Beier
Credentials: RN, BS, CN-BN
Madison, WI 53715
Facility Name: UW Health
Contact Name: Dana Bell
Credentials: RN, BSN, CN-BN
Louisville, KY 40241
Facility Name: Norton Breast Health Center
Contact Name: John Bell
Credentials: MD, FACS
Knoxville, TN 37920
Facility Name: University of Tennessee Medical Center
Contact Name: Linda Bell
Credentials: RN, MS, CBCN, CN-BN
Rochester, NY 14620
Facility Name: Wilmot Cancer Institute
Contact Name: Susana Bell
Credentials: NP-C, PA-C, CGRA
Bakersfield, CA 93309
Facility Name: Comprehensive Blood & Cancer Center
Contact Name: Susanna Bell
Credentials: CN-BA
Bakersfield, CA 93309
Facility Name: Comprehensive Blood and Cancer Center
Contact Name: Teresa Bellew
Credentials: CST, CN-BC
Evansville, IN 47710
Facility Name: Evansville Surgical Associates
Contact Name: Dora Bello
Credentials: RN, BSN, CN-BN
Montgomery, IL 60564
Facility Name: Rush Copley